The Edge of Pudgy.
~September 11, 2005 12:40 am
Weight, 150 (too chicken to really weigh-in)
Cigars, 2 (chewed, not smoked)
Alcohol units, 0 (not making enough money to drink)
Plans to visit The Dana in L.A., 1
Wow, it's the three-year anniversary of the ...the... thing. The bombings, the terrorist attacks. The hijackings. The bombings in New York and PA and Washington DC. I hate calling it "Nine-Eleven"-- I've never called it that. "Nine-Eleven" is such a bullshit phrase. It doesn't mean anything. It's just another TV producer's invention, like "The War in Iraq" and "Decision 2004". They have to name things, TV producers. They name things as if they're summer blockbusters. "Cellular". "Hero". "9/11". It cheapens, and commercializes, the deaths of innocent people. That's really what it was, wasn't it? Lots of plain, ordinary people, murdered, all at once? Or not at once, but within the span of a few hours, while we all watched... it... on ...CNN?
In other news, Warren and I will find out in 3-6 weeks if he has a job in L.A., or not. There are so many things I'm interested in exploring, if we move to LaLa Land: acting classes for film/tv, marketing myself to agencies, extra work, trying to market myself as a singer, doing research and due dilligence for starting a theatre in Europe, catching up with old friends and making new ones... could be a very cool, very creative time for me. And... a chance to live near the ocean. Wouldn't that be lovely? Step out my front door, walk two blocks... and I'm on the beach.
Only 8 days left in my contract. This last month has dragged so slowly. This time on Sept. 20, I will be laying down to sleep in The Chateau for the last time. And at this time Sept. 21st, I'll be laying down next to my Honey! I am more homesick right now than I've ever been. Ever! I miss my Honey...
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