The rumbling tummy.
Just finished watching a documentary on the Weather Underground-- great documentary, very interesting subject matter. Makes me feel like ...well, I suppose, somewhat guilty for not being more involved in counter-culture, anti-government stuff. At the same time, while the Weathermen/Weather Underground had a SERIOUS point, a very real point... they were insane and depraved to stoop to destruction and violence. I understand the urge, but the reality is that violence really is not the answer. It is better to sit in protest in the face of death, than strike another human being down in cold blood, in order to 'save lives'. Not unlike anti-abortion extremists who kill abortion doctors.
I have an acid stomach, and this time I think it's this documentary that's worked me up. It's clear to me that our government and a handful of large corporations will stop at nothing to maintain their places at the top of the food chain. It's clear to me that my government is corrupt, that policians on both sides of the aisle are conspiring against average people, to keep themselves in powerful positions. I have lost all faith that the United States is a Democracy; the more I think about the past two elections, the way the Democrats just laid down and took the results of both elections, the corruption and illegal acts that the Republicans participated in... I've just lost all faith that this is Of, By, or For 'the People', other than the weathy and politically connected. How else can Samantha Buck be doing so well, anyways?
I'd love to start a counter-culture, anti-government movement. It's just that the problem with a counter-government movement is that people who WANT to disseminate power, give it back to the people... they aren't the kind of people who can LEAD very effectively! People like me don't want to keep power for themselves, alone-- they want it for everyone. True equality. But people like me are Beta, not Alpha --we're not not agressive, violent, self-centered and egomaniacal. A Beta will never win a popularity contest! So how can they lead a anti-corruption, counter-culture movement effectively?!
I've been abstaining from talking about politics on this blog (avoiding the blog, really)... because I am so digusted and disheartened with what I see, what I read and hear...
Well... another early morning awaits me, so I best get to bed.
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